My child has never been to School. What will the adaptation be like?

We understand that your child’s first time in school can be an exciting and challenging moment. It’s natural to feel concern and anxiety about how your child will adapt to a new environment, new classmates, and new teachers. Here at Green Book, we acknowledge these feelings and are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for both the child and the parents.

To begin with, we offer an exclusive orientation day for new students, lasting about 2 hours. This allows the child to explore the school space, meet the teaching staff, and interact with their peers. During this day, family members are very welcome to accompany their children and help them feel at ease. We believe that the presence of parents during this moment is essential to instill a sense of security in the little ones, demonstrating that we are all in this learning journey together.

It’s important to emphasize that adaptation is a highly individual process, and the time needed for each child to feel completely comfortable may vary. Some children may adapt quickly, while others may need more time to become accustomed to the new routine. Therefore, parents and family members are always welcome at the school during the first days and even weeks of classes to ensure that the child feels safe and comfortable.

We understand that many parents may have concerns and questions during this transition period. That’s why we always like to remind you that we are here to support both parents and children. Our team is always available to answer any questions that may arise and provide guidance on how to facilitate the child’s adaptation to school.

At Green Book, we believe that education is a partnership between the school, parents, and children. We are committed to creating a welcoming and nurturing environment where each child can develop and learn at their own pace. The adaptation to school is just the beginning of an incredible learning journey, and we are excited to be part of it with you. Together, we will make this transition a positive and enriching experience for everyone.

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